Blondes ( have more fun )......

So says Rod ‘the mod’ Stewart.
A day of mixed fortunes.
Managed to entice three bulls out the field this morning and chased them into the steading . Was about to start hauling them out to fields of cows when wee brother phoned to say one of the Stabsliser x cows needed brought in to calf. Things didn’t go well. A muckle big blonde x calf which got stuck at the hips, then the cow went down on us during the job. Eventually got the calf out but it had spent too long being stuck so only managed a few half hearted breaths before it snuffed it . Now left with a cow that can’t get up and will probably end up getting put down . Bugger.
Back home and hauled the 3 bulls out to cows . This blonde has got a nasty streak in him. If he wants to go into the trailer he will, if you start trying to persuade him he will face you up and have a go. Needless to say , muggins had to load him while the staff hid behind the gate.
An afternoon at an outside , on site ,socially distant quarry meeting with Pinnacle( used to be Cemex) , the Estate factor and a couple of my agents to discuss various things.
Headed down the road tonight to lift all the batteries and electric fencer units from where the cattle came home from before someone takes a fancy to them all. They would take the sugar out your tea these days !

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