Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

More soft play!

Neil decided he wanted to try out soft play today so we went to loughborough leisure centre which has a new, small area for the bargain price of £2. It wasn't as toddler friendly as the place we went yesterday, and Henry got picked on by an older girl who kept throwing blocks at him and then knocking down the towers he was building. I felt sorry for her though, she kept following us around and obviously wanted someone to play with, she didn't seem to have an adult with her. Henry made friends with a little girl about his age and tried to kiss her through the netting wall, she sensibly moved away and pulled a face!

Apart from that we had a nap, I did some cooking/baking (slow cooked BBQ pork, gluten free toffee apple sponge, rhubarb crumble) we read Barry the fish with fingers for what felt like hundreds of times and then Henry discovered the cbeebies website and spent 20 mins completely absorbed in games while I scrubbed soap scum off the grout in the bathroom. Oh the glamorous life I lead!

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