From Now On...

By rachelwhynot

In loving memory.....

I'm sure these machines have been much loved and well used in their time, giving great service. Now the time has come to say goodbye and they are in their final resting place......

Quite a sight to greet Big Sis and I at Sewing World this morning! I've visited the shop many times but in the present circumstances  the entrance is via the back door and I've never seen the garden before. Looks like these have been collecting for some time. There was even a pink sewing machine among them! 

Polhill Garden Centre was our next stop to get some of their satsumas which are big, seedless and so tasty. The queue for the restaurant was far too long to even think of joining it. Home again, earlier than we thought and straight on with that enormous Christmas cake. It's in the oven and in an hour I can take a look to see how it's doing. It will have had three hours by then. I have been really grateful for a helping hand with the measuring and mixing. It's smelling great so here's hoping.

Please visit the breast cancer site and click on this link to donate a mammogram to someone who will benefit form having one. Thank you lots. Just two more days to find pink for BCAM!

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