
One advantage to the daylight hours reducing is that there's a chance of seeing a dawn sky without having to get up too early. This is not in the Kath Gordon class, but quite good enough for a snap taken through the not-very-clean window.

Just as well I caught this, as although I went up to the distant realms of Lauriston Place later to give them nearly an armful, I left the camera behind - anyway, it was peeing with rain and very dismal looking the whole time. And virus restrictions mean that they can't give you a cup of tea afterwards - just a drink of water and a take-home Tunnocks product.

I had had the remarkable (for me) foresight to put a casserole in to the slow cooker so that I had a delicious hot meal ready to eat with no work required at all. Did a bit of light marking, but nothing too strenuous.

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