Anrola's Photo Journal

By Anrola


Lots of pumpkins outside houses for the school Pumpkin Parade yesterday. This is one of 3 that were socially distanced on the wall outside one of the big houses.
A friend, who sends out a daily thought, commented this morning that  ‘Britons will carve 24 million pumpkins at Hallowe’en and 12.8 million of them will go to waste!
According to research from the environmental charity Hubbub, more than half of the UK population doesn’t even think of Hallowe’en pumpkins as food, and if you laid the uneaten winter squashes end to end they would reach Azerbaijan,
where pumpkin pancakes happen to be a national dish.‘
Hopefully, if you’ve carved out a pumpkin, you will also be enjoying a pumpkin savoury or sweet treat this weekend.

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