Rescue hens

I have been waiting for a while to get some rescue battery hens. Finally, Lucky Hens contacted me with a rescue date, down in Wigan.
The farm was very well organised with a volunteer by the main road organising traffic trying to turn into the property. There was a terrible traffic jam caused by roadworks right outside which wasn’t helping!
We managed to get in and parked in a lot of mud, as the weather had been torrential, fortunately finished for us.
Then a one at a time collection from the barn, where a team were selecting hens and clipping their toenails if necessary, before popping them in my travel box.
I would have liked to chat for a few minutes but that wasn’t possible, so into the car they went for the journey home. (See extra).
They were completely silent all the way, and very docile to pick up and pop in the hen house. They are a bit scruffy looking but nice and heavy. Their wattles should become firm and red as they get some more strength, exercise and grass.
My two hens came over for a look, and when they were all in for the night they were chatting away, I wonder what tales they were exchanging?

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