Views of my world

By rosamund


It was so lovely today that Carlos and I headed out for a wee walk. We took the car to the far end of the car park at Lunderston Bay and meandered slowly towards the lighthouse. I clambered down to the shore to get a shot and was chuffed to get a viewpoint that I've never seen before. Carlos did really well walking and just stopped to rest when I went blip hunting. It was so nice to get out and enjoy the glorious spring sunshine. There was also a gorgeous sunset so I had to get the blip committee to decide which shot to post.

Sitting with my feet up tonight, spent much of the day on them measuring and cutting fabric for Freya's blanket. It's coming along nicely and I love the new fabrics that arrived yesterday. I'll still need maybe ten more fat quarters and can't decide whether to choose online or go to Mandors for some hands on fabric shopping.

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