
By Nettenet

Exciting News

Rebecca invited me to go and have a look at the venue they have booked for their wedding next November.  It’s a lovely little barn within a courtyard and overlooking fields. We met the lady who books different venues and can organise lots for you but Rebecca & Mo, with the help of family and friends will do everything themselves. After, we went into Guildford and had a wander around before stopping for a late lunch.

More exciting news arrived whilst we were eating, and one that I’m now allowed to announce ..... is that I’m going to be a Nanna. Sim & Natalie sent through their scan pictures from today.  They told us the wonderful news a few weeks ago and my reaction of joy and tears took them by surprise but they were also delighted as I think they had been nervous to break the news to us. The baby is due the day before Sims birthday next May and they will find out what they are having just before Christmas. 

Next year is going to be an exciting and busy one for us all.

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