Food truck with a difference

After seeing this "food truck" , I am definitively going back to see what they are selling for dinner.  
Wins on the originality front for sure

Corona Virus update
Bahrain recorded 179 new cases, 2 fatalities and 354 recoveries today.
Bahrain reports the lowest active cases in 5 months

Austria on Saturday announced a nighttime curfew and the closure of cafes, bars and restaurants to all but take-away service as a surge in coronavirus infections threatens to overwhelm its hospitals.
With daily infections at a record 5,627

The U.S.  reported 9,024,298 cases of new coronavirus, an increase of 99,750 cases from its previous count, and said that the number of deaths had risen by 1,009 to 229,109.
Travellers to New York must quarantine for three days, then get coronavirus test

Australia records no new Covid-19 cases for first time in five months.
Australia has reported just over 27,500 cases since the pandemic started

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