Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Help, murder, polis!

It doesn't take long for chaos to rule when the girls are here. They arrived at 8.15 and over the next hour and a half I lost the carpet. Death by Polly Pocket vintage 1994 and more recent versions too.
At 10.15 we headed for the back door as the girls were going to Sunday school at their own church. I complimented Isobel on her jumper, see extra. Her reply was, "I didn't have any jumpers at all so my parents bought me three". I had difficulty keeping my face straight, if you could see her wardrobe. Out of the mouths of babes etc.... When I told her mum, she reckoned that providing clothing for her offspring was probably one of the few definites in the job description!
We had another lovely day with the girls, they brought some of their non - housing loot round to share. It was another horrible wet day though so apart from going to church, when it was actually dry, we didn't go out.
I did take advantage of the girls being at church and popped into John Lewis which is now about a quarter of its recent size as they prepare to reopen fully in the new expanded centre. Its stock is dramatically reduced but considering the year this is they probably had low sales expectations in their Edinburgh store anyway. I popped into the C******** shop there and picked up a couple of things. I see too that the jobbie Hotel is beginning to emerge above the centre. It doesn't look quite as bad as many feared I don't think. The whole centre is all on such an enormous scale though.
I find the new cycle lanes on York Place and Leith Street a bit unnerving. I hope pedestrians, particularly the elderly (not including myself in that) and tourists, cope OK with having potentially fast moving cyclists between the pavements and the edge of the traffic lanes when it comes to bus stops and pedestrian crossings.
We watched the first episode of The Sister last night, part two tonight after another lazy dinner. In tonight's case an M&S Stroganoff, looks tasty and minimal effort involved post children.

Keep safe and well everybody. The predictions are really quite frightening, the figures I see for Edinburgh though seem better than those talked about for the central belt in general though.
Steps today 8200 so far

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