Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


Woken with a start early today with our lass saying if we got out early we would drive up to Richmond for a change, I use to live there as a kid in the mid sixties & enjoy a tour around the town now & again, by the time we we're out of the house I was accosted with more choices, Scarborough, because I like the sea, Richmond for the reason already given or York to have a tour around the railway museum, why oh why I never saw through this ruse I don't know but I decided on York (think she got Bettys to put something in the coffee)!
A reasonably clear run to York & on arriving at the outskirts a little voice from the passenger seat suggested we just pop into the city centre for an hour before the train spectacular I had envisaged in my head, being of a kind disposition I agreed & spent the next three hours trudging around clothes shops, not all bad as I snapped away at, the viking display in Coppergate, found a lovely view of the Cathedral from the cafe in M&S,
As I walked back to the car park by Clifford's tower I came across a film crew with this lady from the telly (cant remember her name), she also features here,
Now to my treat for the day, rolled up at the National Railways Museum, noted for being one of our nations great free experiences only to find that the car park wanted to charge me £9.00 for the day, fair enough I hear you say, trouble is that I didn't get there till about four & it shuts at six & they still wanted £9.00 of my hard earned cash!
with a few cutting words to the attendant (unfair really as he only does as he's told), I turned the car around and headed back west, I'll plan the trip again but i"I'll make sure I'm getting my monies worth next time, as it was still a little to early to head home we drove over to Ripon so that my precious little Granddaughter could salvage my good mood with one of her disarming smiles, she has a limited vocabulary at the moment but her first words seems to be 'CHEESE" whenever you point the camera in her direction, perhaps a blipper in the making .
(excuse the red eyes and poor quality, taken on my phone and emailed to myself)
Back home to Duck in Orange sauce & Midwives on the telly.

Not sure how these links will work out, have a look if your interested.

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