Windmill 'Vogelzang', Lieshout

'Lieshout' sounds like 'Leeshowt' and definitely not 'Leeshoot'.
'Vogelzang' means 'birdsong' ... isn't that a fabulous name for a windmill?

AW left for Eindhoven today and won't be back till tomorrow evening, so a good time for my Mindfulness Quiet Day Exercise -- absolutely no talking.  Started at 14.20 when I left the house to shoot this windmill.  The sun was out, very encouraging, but clouds were lurking everywhere, so I was very fortunate.  Lieshout has another windmill and I will save that one again for another time.

Back home, housework the whole time.  Not a single word.  Amazing how I managed to keep that up.  That does not mean I wasn't thinking.  Loads of thoughts, but when you are mindful you also take time to be aware of what it is exactly that you are thinking.  The one thing I realized is that half of what I say at any given time isn't worth saying.  Now that's a thought.  That said, I think I've reached a stage in life where there isn't much that needs to be said.  Perhaps a big fat deception because, in contrast, there is a lot that can be written.

Anyway, after housework came play time, which is what the colouring book is for.  The plate I'm working on now reminds me so much of India in its complexity, and the colours I've chosen will be proof of that.  I also made time for a lot of MOOCking.  Funny how I ended up having more time for other things.  I should shut up more often, no?  Haha!  Seriously, though, I don't see why I shouldn't go on with this, even after AW returns.  If we aren't in the same room, it should be possible to stay quiet, and I already do that sometimes, anyway, even when we are together.  Part of the course is to hand in a journal of my experiences.  I've already submitted for the past three weeks, and three more weeks to go.  I am not going to be a Mindfulness teacher or guide, but the lessons learned will be of tremendous help to me, nonetheless.  These are tedious and stressful times.

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