
By DDon

Kirby on the Green

I felt a little reluctant to crop this shot this closely, but I liked the way the light created the highlights and shadow on Kirby's face. He rested beneath the apple trees I pruned, sleeping in the afternoon sun, then waking to chew the sticks as I worked on my early spring chore. A good time in the cool sunshine.

This is my 200th Blip, and as a commemorative gesture, I became a full Blip member today. The 25 pounds (I've never paid in pounds before) is a cheap price to pay for the photographic benefits I've gained from following Blip. It's been a real photography class for me, and 25 pounds, no matter what the conversion, is cheap cheap.

As I work in the spring outside, my usual soundtrack is something Celtic. Today was no exception: Flogging Molly, Pandora style. While this clip has zero to do with the picture of Kirby or even trimming apple trees, this is what we listened to this afternoon. "What's Left of the Flag" by Flogging Molly.Flogging Molly soundtrack of the day

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