The Chaos Bros

By vik


Bros2&3 were tasked with making a castle for homework over the past few weeks and it had to be taken to school this morning.

Never before has such enthusiasm been shown where homework is concerned. Arguing over who's turn it was with the paint, glue, string and Stanley knife. There was close parental supervision when they got their little paws on the knife, to be fair I think they were more likely to come a cropper wrestling with the scissors which were not up to cutting the corrugated cardboard.

Thankfully it got finished without any blood being shed. A dungeon full of pipe cleaner skeletons, a Great Hall with a laden feasting table, knights, fireplace, towers full of spiral staircases with three levels of bedrooms, a portcullis, a drawbridge, 2 yoghurt drink bottle cannons, clay cannonballs and some more pipe cleaner knights completed the task.

They set off for school full of pride at their endeavours and I sighed with relief when we got it there intact.

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