
By Jeanettie6

Greenwich Park

Faffing and jiggery pokery galore in this shot!

Today my sister, nephews and I are going to see the Light Show at the Southbank Centre. In case you've never 'eard of it...
Light Show brings together sculptures and artworks that use light in different ways. The exhibition showcases artworks created since the 1960s. Light is used to sculpt and shape space, creating evocative environments and sensory works that play tricks with the viewer's perception.

From atmospheric, interactive pieces to intangible sculptures that you can move around and even through, visitors experience light in all of its spatial and sensory forms.

I'm going to pack my trunk now and will be going to stay at my sister's house until Thursday, so might be a little blipless until then. Look forward to catching up with you all later in the week!

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