
(Best viewed LARGE)

What's this? Two days in a row without a macro shot? People will start talking soon...

Another glorious day today, and it being a day off work makes it all the sweeter. I decided to make the most of it and go for a nice long walk down the old railway lines that run from our village into Bury. I got to what we used to refer to as Island Lodge as children (I have no idea if that's it's real name or not, but we always called it that as it has a little island sticking up in the middle with a tree sticking out of it) and the sun was just hitting the water perfectly for my blip!

The rest of the day has been nice and lazy. I have taken the executive decision to ignore any jobs that need doing in the house as I've spent the last few days in a whirlwind of cooking, cleaning and entertaining. So I'm having a day off. And I've loved it :)

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