Nature's Lace

Emergency Blip

Yesterday discovered hubby collapsed on the kitchen floor in a very poor way - not unconscious but unable to move - he was in so much pain and kept repeating that he was 'So So Tired'  pins and needles in his arms - slow speech and so very odd unable to check his blood pressure - our machine had broken down - I said that I would call for an Ambulance he would not have that and implored me over and over again not to do so - and not to contact our GP either - which I eventually did - after telephone conversation with one of the doctors who told me that he should go to hospital - he declared that he would not for fear of contacting the virus - doctor said she could not make him - what a dilemena I was in.  

Managed to get him back to bed - he slept - I called the surgery again this morning and our nominated doctor was so very good - he called this afternoon and after examining and listening to hubby he said that he was suffering a muscle spasm and prescribed three different drugs - I am now Nurse - so endeavour to make sure that medication is taken - and I have asked our Guardian Angels to be with us -   Amen 

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