Place: St Pete Beach, FL 70/81
Main activity: Fri - CLW and 2 G's
Notes: Busy day. Started with laps in the pool as the sun came up - great temps. Early voicemail from Al saying he hadn't slept and felt horrible and couldn't do Publix and lunch. He called back and I said I'd come up to get him the staples from Publix and drop them off. Nearly canceled the flight to CO and then decided to plan for it. Left ~ 1210p, stopped at Publix on Gulf to Bay, got Al's stuff,  dropped it off and hung out with him for a bit. On to Susan's then. Did afternoon in Dunedin: Resupply Store - few things. Checked out fun bike store: Kafe Racer, got a cool gray lightweight hoodie. On then to a beer at Fenway - rooftop wasn't open yet. Sat at downstairs bar. We parked near this tree; not sure I've seen any like it in the area - beautiful! Fun day! Back around 5p, got some food and then over to wish Gary happy birthday and sat outside for awhile with he and Gloria before back, shower and packing. Busiest day in awhile - felt good!

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