Rule of two

Nice walk before breakfast and a relaxing bath with bubbles and me book made for a good start to the day. I did jobs indoors while hubby varnished the doors and windows in the garden room.
Daughter popped round to pick up some gardening tools, hubby put them in the back of her car and off she went, it’s so strange not even having her in the garden.
We went for a walk and included the park, which was busy yesterday but absolutely crowded today. Quite clearly lots of people were not adhering to the rule of two, and these were not young people.
The coffee cabin was so busy people were simply blocking the path past it so we took a detour to exit the park.
Lots of squirrels and they don’t seem to mind people getting close but straight up the nearest tree when Hetty ran towards them.
Fireworks still going off tonight, that’s four nights now. Took Hetty out about seven as it was quiet but only got a few houses up the street when they started again and she was so frightened we turned back.

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