New Life

A beautiful morning for a 22 kilometers run.

Looking forward to a hopeful new era of civility, harmony, reason, compassion and respect, once America has wiped the dog turd of a previous toxic relationship off her shoe.

We will go to the Moon.

We will go to Mars.

We will clean up the oceans.

We will build vast, efficient and eco friendly public transport networks.

We will invest in eco friendly, renewable energy sources, and it will all be more successful than that stupid wall.

This will all happen within my lifetime, and this time drugs and promiscuity will not mess it up. Science, technology and rationality will lead the way. We're back on track for Gene Rodenberry's vision of the future.

Oh, and let's remember that it was God's will that Donald Trump was elected president. So please, can we kick out that senile old deity as well along with his Chosen One, because we have had enough of his idiocy.

New Life

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