Sally Hart

By rosiecatwoman

Still Protesting

The image of the guy up on this crane that I posted yesterday is still up there. He must have had a cold damp night. There was a whole posse of police , ambulances, fire-brigade, critical incident lorry but no signs of any activity when I legged there/back for script repeats. I had several conversations with folk who asked me what was it all about, but nobody seemed to have thought about climate even though its about 18 degrees here !

Here's the daily dose of John Clare's November

And oft he'll clamber up a sweeing tree
To see the scarlet hunter hurry bye
And feign woud in their merry uproar be
But sullen labour hath its tethering tye
Crows swop around and some on bushes nigh
Watch for a chance when ere he turns away
To settle down their hunger to supply
From morn to eve his toil demands his stay
Save now and then an hour which leisure steals for play


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