Nee Naw Nee Naw!

Planning to go out on the motorbike but as the forecast said heavy rain early on I took the car to pick something up Marlane had bought on-line. Driving out of Gloucester a police van came around the roundabout behind me, followed for about a mile and then did a quick NEENAW and blue lights flashing. I certainly wasn't speeding, maybe I had a light out at the back I thought but unlikely, I often check my lights etc.
No, it was my 'Illegal' number plate! Never dreamed it was illegal but apparently it's the space between the X and the 0.
She gave me a ticket, no points on my licence but I have to get new plates made and I may hear from the courts if they decide it's worth following up with me. Goodness knows how many cars you see flying around in great excess of the speed limit with plates that look like they are in a Hindi, or some other strange font. I will comply of course, if I got stopped again it would be worse.

After getting home I got prepared and did go out on my bike to a war memorial in Gloucester for a short ceremony and the silence at 11:00. I knew a couple of others were going but was not prepared for the number of 'Civvies', families, children, Army Cadets, Veterans and dignitaries. We were given the task of wandering around afterwards with Poppy Pots in case anyone wanted to donate, lots did and very generously.
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