Wet wet wet

This wildling has had a blast today. She helped her daddy clean the kitchen. She then played with the water in the kitchen sink for nearly a hour. Got her cleaned up and dried for going out in the car . She helped unpack the food shop when we came back and then spent more time in the kitchen sink.
You can't really tell from the photo but it was raining and she just sat outside with her dad in the garden counting stone's . She manages to get to 17. Her speech is coming on which is great.

The jedi had me awake at 4. 30am ish for a fees and then wouldn't go back to sleep. He started making his Peppa pig noises. So we came downstairs. He was quite happy watching Peppa so I had a coffee and started a drawing. Someone has asked me to draw her new dog. It will take a while but I've started it . I'm hoping it turns out well. We will see how it goes .

I hope you have had a good weekend. X

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