Triking with scenery

Today... Well it was sort of the same stuff. Sort of being the operative phrase.
I had planned a trike ride in Clumber park with Jamie. Mum and Jamie spent a good half an hour or more, disassembling the trike to then fit it in the car with Jamie's bike aswell. But it was really worth the effort.
It was so foggy today, me and Jamie kept singing this town is coming like a ghost town by the Specials.
I had not really been to Clumber park since the first lockdown. It really reached out to me.
The ducks were quacking. The geese on the lake were hissing. All we needed was a partridge in a pear tree!
I'm doing an event for CP sport which is why I was triking round the lake today. A charity really close to my heart. They do huge charity work for people with CP and for people with similar disabilities like myself. If you could please donate it would change lives!

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