A rainy night

Leading Lines and Leading Lights to take you to the end of the Close...

A productive day today finishing off the shed, sorting a summer house order and the requirements for a tea level base and painting another section of fence.  Then it all got a bit damp so I gave up and came in.

On the good news front, Dad seems to be getting the hang of his stair lift and he has been more alert today.  I didn't give him the tablet he has been taken to help the nerve damage in his arm from the shingles last night as we are supposed to be reducing them now.  I wonder if that helped?  I am having a conversation with the Doctor tomorrow about the next steps so I shall ask if it is time to stop them now.

Hope you are all keeping safe and happy and motivated...

The extra is the view between the houses opposite us as the sun was going down this evening.

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