
By Seelye

Another point of view

It was gorgeous out today and stayed at a very low temp. When I did my hike it was in the 50's out but the sun was so strong I was able to wear my flannel shirt buttoned up and not wear a jacket. My hands were in my pockets though.

I lay down on the ground for this photo and moved all over taking several. This is about the only one I liked except the extra. (It appears I have run out, how do you get more?) It was not easy and I had to be so careful of stickers, not from the cactus but other little nasty things that Lolo gets in his paw. Everything is really dry too.

Getting up was even more fun. My knees are so much better because of how my back improved. But I still have to work myself onto my hands and knees and then get up. I need gloves made of iron because of stickers and thorns.

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