twinned with trumpton


A worsening forecast came to fruition after I'd successfully negotiated Leith Walk in search of some new artwork (the Keith Paton one was the one I particularly wanted to see; but managed to squeeze in another few, as well as a flying visit to Stead's Place for a graffiti hunt (no Cigs, obv)

I had hoped to get to Morgan playing fields to watch Alex / Craigie demolish South Edinnburgh (4-1) but - as I sped thru the southside, the rain started to fall. Heavily... The prospect of an hour in the freezing rain, all the while getting soaked did not appeal to me, so I hauled the bike around in a u turn that would have delighted our PM and went home to dry off.

Although the weather improved, I couldn't summon up the enthusiasm to cycle again, so bussed it into town to meet Her, fresh from her welcome home brunch for the lad who'd just returned from Rhodes and his late summer stint coaching tennis there.

We plodded in the rain for supplies and - guess what - Normal People - was included in the evening that also had a roast chicken.

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