Garden Storage

12°C  -  18 mph SSE Wind Speed  -  31 mph Gusts  -  Fog.  Ordered a Garden Storage Box from Argos Online and collected it.  I have changed from shopping on Amazon to shopping online from Argos  -  why?  -  because Argos is only two miles down the road and I can go and collect the things I order without having to worry about waiting in for the delivery man.  I always read Customer Reviews before I buy, and this one had a Review that said it only took five minutes to assemble. Well, it took me a bit longer, and by the time it was up and ready it had gotten dark  -  so here is my blip per flash☺  Now I won’t have to walk all the way down to the Shed to get me tools and pots!  My Extras are the unassembled parts and the two Instruction Sheets  -  it took me more than five minutes to work out which parts were which from the Sheets!!  However, all’s well that ends well

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