The old cemetery is a treasure trove of fungi this year. Maybe I'm just more aware of them, but I don't think I've noticed so many there before, and I was really quite excited to see Parrot Wax Cap (top left and centre) which I only found out about quite recently and am not aware of having seen before. Others (as far as I can tell from my book) are (clockwise from top right) Snowy Wax Cap, Candle-snuff, a big flat one that looks like lots of the illustrations in the book, Scarlet Hoods (?) or maybe Crimson Wax Caps and Meadow Wax Cap. There are lots of others too - plenty to see since this is mainly where I'll be walking for the rest of the month, although I've arranged to see a pal for a walk by the sea on Thursday morning (much to B's dismay as he's convinced I'll bring the virus back to attack him).

I'm struggling with my eyes right now because I'm waiting for new specs. I had a test last week which showed that I need a new prescription for my varifocals and I didn't want new frames so I'm having to make do with old readers worn halfway down my nose, which is giving me headaches and making it difficult to judge the focus on my camera. They told me it would take at least two weeks for the glasses to be ready - I think it's a punishment for not choosing new frames that they could make money from, but apart from the extra cost, I didn't see any that I liked as much as the old ones. Until they come I'm finding everything a bit uncomfortable and disconcerting.

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