Day 2, sipping

Merry is not totally thrilled yet. She's still signaling that we should use our thumbs to turn on her favorite taps, but her tongue has taken the dip into the fountain stream. She will learn and have plenty of fresh, moving filtered water without our assistance. She's the first cat I have ever has that demanded water in this way. We were warned by her breeder in August of 2019, so it was not a surprise.

I'm relieved because I do feel badly that she doesn't understand why we seem like we're denying her water. Cats don't normally like new things so I am feeling very optimistic that she is sticking her tongue into the stream and drinking.

For the Record,
This day came in with fog which burned off quickly. It's just another amazingly warm and sunny Indian Summer day...

Although the exact origins of the term are uncertain, it was perhaps so-called because it was first noted in regions inhabited by American Indians, or because the Indians first described it to Europeans, or it had been based on the warm and hazy conditions in autumn when American Indians hunted.

All hands wary

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