Armistice Day

I think my jacket breast pocket says it all, I support the RBL Poppy Appeal, I was in the RAF and I ride a bike! The little blue one is not so obvious RAFMSVA = RAF Masirah and Salalah Veterans Association member.
Busy morning with Ruby and Eric for a couple of hours while Johanna nipped into work at the end of her maternity leave. Too F.M.i.L. off to church at 10:00 and picked up again at 11:30 after 'Personal Prayer and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament', there is no mass during lockdown just specific times the church is open for personal prayers.
The afternoon was more peaceful, took Jonty for a walk and saw a group of 4 young men coming over the hill. One of them exclaimed 'That's my Grandad', it was Lennon walking home with three of his friends. I didn't capture his friends on celluloid, not appropriate nowadays!
Jonty also met one of his old friends, Harry the Welsh Corgi. They had a good romp resulting me having to brush the mud off Jonty's coat when we got home! They really enjoyed themselves so I wasn't bothered.

They shall grown not old as we that are left grow old
Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn

At the going down of the sun, and in the morning
We Will Remember Them

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