Weird Eye

By we

Rainy Day

First off, I missed yesterday not because I didn't have a photo but I was traveling and went to upload from my Windows laptop with my broadband card and for some reason every time I choose the photo it would crap out. I have been uploading with my MAC with zero problems. I think I better fix it before I'm out again. Here is the photo from yesterday: Yellow.

The yellow roof against the blue sky obviously caught my eye. I got off the highway in a pretty rural area to poke around looking for a shot and I literally made a left off the exit ramp and 200 ft. down the road was this place.

Todays blip was pretty easy. My son was sitting at the window moaning about not being able to play outside so I started snapping away. I set my camera to shoot in black and white but heres a question; do I lose anything by converting it to B&W post process? I never really have done side by side tests but it seems when I shoot in B&W I'm more aware of tones and try to think how it will look as opposed to shooting everything in color and changing it after the fact. I grew up on Black and White and still love it.

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