Time Warp

Inspired by Dali's work . It IS in fact a photo of an A3 sized print I did on my trusty A3 Canon printer, several years ago...so it's not actually bending any rules, in reality. It's also a great demonstration of the prime 35mm 1.8 Nikkor lens and shows just how excellent it is for the price I paid, less than £120.00 in fact and it will focus down to 12" too.

The subject was my Citizen Eco Drive watch which they advertise as " Never needs a battery" they overlook the fact that the "capacitor" gives up it's charge after ten years, so you do need to replace it which  they quoted me £120.00 quid for, so since I was very satisfied with the ten good years it had given me, I bought a brand new one for £130.00, passing the old watch on to a family member who located a capacitor for £8.00 and fitted it himself. where there's a will there's a way, it seems:))

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