Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Party Hats

Someone in this photo had a birthday today. There was much hilarity over ruining the "SURPRISE" zoom call that they were supposed to have by asking when they would be at their PC logged in to zoom to take a call.

Some members of this party had what the smallest one described as "party hats" available in the reactions. With only clap and thumbs up available, my sister and I thought they'd gone crazy. I went and got my "party hat" to join in the silliness.  This photo was taken to show that they did in fact, not have anty form of celebration reaction showing!

A nice game of Among Us with the kids after. Teaching them how to spot liers (and also possibly how to lie themselves) and how to keep quiet, not cheat and enjoy a game just for playing and not for winning or losing.

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