Old Friend

I've enjoyed a membership at our DogPark for 15 years. This concrete dog statue was old when I first saw it that many years ago. I believe that the woman who started the DogPark, quite a few years before I moved to Gainesville, installed it. The current owner of the Park whitewashed it and even though the statue is now missing it's feet and two of it's legs, it's much-loved, well I love it anyhow! I've seen dogs who are new to the Park 'assume' that it's a real dog, barking at it until they realize that it's harmless. Fletcher pays it no mind unless I tempt him with a treat, in this case a tiny piece of raw carrot. We got lucky with Tropical Storm Eta. She passed over us in the wee hours of this morning. Some 'strongish' wind gusts and some rain. Small tree limbs and lots of leaves down, a mess to clean up but no serious damage done. Be Well! 

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