Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Follow the yellow brick road

Spent much of this morning tidying out more drawers and cleaning jewellery it really is very satisfying!

I went into town briefly this afternoon and found myself in the Tollcross area. This lane leads down the side of the Bank building there and gives an unusual angle on the castle.

On my way back home I picked up E from after school club and dropped her at home seeing her mum and I briefly in the process. Poor I is having to isolate this week and next as somebody in one of her bubbles has tested positive. E is going to ask her friends at school tomorrow to sign a "Hope you get out soon " card - but only if they are willing. I thought that was rather sweet.

Back home in time for evening prayer which is always a helpful time out, dinner and then bridges. Before you know it, Thursday has gone and we are getting ready for the weekend.

Keep safe and well everyone, I hope they are right and we've turned the corner.

BTW I've just discovered that English £20 Bank notes went plastic at some point over the last year. I never see money these days.

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