creative lenna

By creativelenna

magnolia just opening

Our friend and designer of our gardens, Ann Hall chose a beautiful little gem magnolia for our backgard patio garden. Here it is just opening up. I had to stand on tippy-toes to photograph it, but it was worth it! Doesn't it look like something that would belong on the ocean floor?? View large - you must!!

I hope all of you who have been patiently waiting for new garden photos of our backyard project (now finished) will enjoy this and other photos to come over the next few weeks. P.S. we have hired Ann to give our front yard a beautification makeover too! I cannot wait as she has done such a stellar job already. We are so enjoying the back of the house along the river, just for ourselves and when we have visitors too -often arriving by boat!

A thing of beauty is a joy forever.
~ John Keats

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