
There’s no fool like an old fool and I qualify on all counts.
I have been scammed and should have known better.

It began with my sending off in September for a trial sample of a cannabis based oil that was going to make me feel 25 again. It was , the advert said, recommended by David Attenborough (I should have been suspicious then, but ever the innocent!).

I received a very small sample bottle of oil but then the company Vitrop used my card details to take large sums of money out of my account in the following two months without my realising it. Only when I got a notice from Hermes yesterday that they had a parcel from Vitrop to deliver and I hadn’t ordered anything that I went through my bank accounts and saw the sums that had been taken out without my knowledge - quite substantial amounts.

I had a sleepless night followed by a brisk march down to Head Office of RBS this morning when I was relieved that the bank immediately notified the department dealing with fraudulent transactions and with my account flagged up in their system there should be no more payments on my card and I might even be reimbursed.
I have learned my lesson big time.

It was also interesting to see the effect on my Blood Pressure by setting the wheels in motion to sorting things out.

My blip is part of the ceiling in the RBS building in St. Andrew Square.

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