One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Stravaledictory announcement

I am going off the grid. I have thrown my smartphone in the Liffey. 
I want to reclaim my life. No more Farce Puke, no more Nastygram, no more Dick Tok. 
No more Strava. 
I am alive again. 
You have no idea how good it feels. 
I hope to see you all again soon in the analogue life. 

All the best,


My ride today was 53.6 km. The elevation gain was 525m. 
The fastest segment was Bray Head descent to Greystones (top to dip). 1.69km with an elevation difference of 96m and an average grade of -5.6%. I did it in 1:38, at an average speed of 62.2km/h. I am still trailing behind that Jason Howick bollix who did it in 1:26 with an average speed of 70.1km/h. I hate the bastard 

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