
By littlemissquirk


Isolation day 3
Hmm. Fun starting to pall slightly

Son 2 has just announced he’s been nominated ‘Most Secretly Fancied’ for his sixth year Yearbook. So in preparation for the deluge of girlfriends I tidied his room ;)))

Washed all the bed sheets, hoovered a lot of dust and binned all the sweetie wrappers.
Then did the same for daughters room.
Ahhh much better
Attacked the already tidy kitchen. Hoovered and mopped.
And then it was only ten o’clock.
Paperwork. Emails. Paperwork. Then tackled the nasty emails...

Got one awesome email back which concluded a three year exhausting fight with someone I used to be married to and a financial sigh of relief at last. I do believe I was inadvertently married to Donald Trump. Many likenesses have emerged. Thankfully the law won through and I shall sleep at night once more!

Anyhoo, that made my steps lighter and got me over my 12,000 daily target with more gardening and chatting to this pair of hungry apple gatherers. Getting tamer and the plan is to invite them in for Christmas instead of my usual sundry relatives. Excellent plan
Nut roast anyone?

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