Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

The spring hath sprung

So ....

As part of the re-drawing of the garden, the Gaffer got herself outside and the pair of us set to sweeping the patio, tickling the soil surface, bucketing the weeds, etc.
I'm sure you know the drill.

Cuppa time loomed and we decided to have it with Alf (Alf Resco that is). I dug out the umbrella like thingy, removed it from its bag, stuck it in the appointed hole and opened it.

Now, think on this ... The bag is about 3.5' feet (Just over a metre to you young 'uns) and the canopy was pushed in top first.

Having opened it I looked up. WHY? Your guess is as good as mine.
I've seen 2 or 3 "Bummly-bees" this year, but not a wasp (Too early)
So is this a rude awakening?

I'm only sorry now I didn't use a finger or a pencil or something as a measuring stick.

I've just nipped out in the gathering gloom  (20:05) and find that the clear face of the wooden strut is 1cm (4/10" to us old fogies). I've also threatened the monitor with the same rule and it appears to be 1.5X natural size.

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