The Twins have Arrived. With a Surprise.

Helen went into hospital yesterday. She had a go at pushing the babies out but ended up having a caesarian at 7pm.
Two lovely, healthy bubs weighing in at 3.7kg and 3.1kg. No wonder she was so big.

But the big surprise is, after being told to expect two boys, they have a boy and a girl!!!! They had really wanted a little girl so are over the moon.
There had to be a re-shuffle of the selected names so we now have, on the right,  Ayman John (named after Omar's Syrian uncle and Mr isbi) and Ella Nahla. My maternal grandmother was Ella and Omar's mum is Nahla.
Due to Covid I didn't think I would be able to see them but she is allowed a total of three different visitors, maximum 2 at a time. So I've been able to have some lovely cuddles.

Between visiting hours, Julia and I went to the shops to buy some pink things to augment the very blue looking wardrobe in waiting :-)

The extra will go into family folklore. Looks like Ella, on the right, is going to be in charge :-)

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