Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Lockdown 2: 10 days in

A thoroughly wet and rainy day.  I spent some time out at work with the local Police, monitoring activity in the district.  The Chief Constable for our county was quoted last Wednesday as saying that their approach was moving from education to enforcement.

10 days in and this lockdown is markedly different to the last.  More traffic on the roads, more people in the shops (that are open).  In fact the major difference is the reasonably good compliance with the use of face masks.  Singing Signage on roads is out, including this Matrix sign near the M6 Toll, but so far there is little evidence to suggest that people are only going out for essential reasons only.  

I'm sure the majority of people are being careful and only a small minority are breaking the rules. Unfortunately, with confirmed cases still rising in our area it will be no surprise if, when we come out of lockdown, that the area could find itself in the 'Very High' tier of restrictions.  If so some people will only have themselves to blame.

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