Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Evening study

I have always been a  person who studies.   There is something about opening a book with pen and paper, reading, taking notes, and just absorbing the words of someone wiser than I.  It is especially the case when it comes to studying God's word.  I have read and studied the Bible many times, but each time I open the pages I see and learn new things new things.  

Today, we had a Zoom call with some of our friends in Kenya. I was stunned to learn how bad things are becoming there because of the pandemic.  Families are really struggling with just putting meager food on the table because of the rampant unemployment.     In Kenya, primary schools furnish meals for the children when they are at school.  And many secondary schools are boarding schools.  Because many schools are closed, children are starving making them more prone to disease.  Families are banding together to share what food they have, but that makes them more susceptible to Covid-19.  Yet with all of the negative news, our friends still are optimistic and joyful about the future.  What a lesson! 

On a positive note, our new artificial Christmas tree arrived today.  We immediately set it up and are very pleased.  Photos will be forthcoming after the decorations are on.  

It really helps to focus not on the difficulties of today by the hope of the future.  

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