
A day in the office - whizzing between meetings and some chat between times with G, V and L (really helps the day go by to have our group together even if everything else is online!)
By the time I had a free minute it was pitch black so I wasn't going to go out for my walk after all - this is the hitch with trying to get out every day this time of year. Still, home to eat leftovers and read mountains of materials for prep for the next couple of days which will be manic. 
T completed his third day of work at Mt&H's garden....quite a change from top left to bottom as he's managed to clear a raised bed, a tree and a pond to make space for more lawn for the swing set. The pond was particularly hard work apparently - with layer upon layer of concrete and stone edging and lining. He must be developing some great muscles but at least he's keeping busy !

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