Passport photo?

Oh what a day.

The dvla sent me the form to renew my drivers licence. They cant be too busy as we only applied on Saturday. M s new licence arrived too as his could be done online.  But my passport has expired ( 12 years ago) so I now have to send proof of identity which includes my photo. 

Managed to track down a photo booth that was working in Tesco . So, after a very blustery walk along Channelside I popped in. At first I couldnt get the machine to work despite hitting the panel several times. In the end  I got someone to help and I began. Lovely machine kept saying my face did not fit the biometric profile , said I was looking up , my face was tilted   etc etc . It took several attempts for my face to be accepted but oh dear! ( Have I really got circles under my eyes that dark?) 
M took one look and said I looked dreadful (charming!) So I went back in and went through the whole rigmarole again. 
Considering the actual photo on the drivers licence is only about 1cm big will it make much difference? 

Stage one completed I now have to arrange to get my friend to sign the photo and fill in her part of the form while still conforming to lockdown rules. 

I wish I could use this blip foto.  More flattering and really more appropriate. 

On top of this we have had the new quote for next year's house insurance.. gone up 15 % of course. Wasted an hour looking at alternatives but because we are " near a large body of water" the quotes are worse. We have the car insurance with them maybe I can ask for a loyalty discount...

The wind is getting much stronger so no attempts to take Fletch for his walk. 

I've not touched the rainbow tunic today. One last big effort tomorrow and it could well be completed.

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