Winter Jasmine

This is growing wild where i walk molly but mum used to have a beauty climbing u the front of her house next to the front door. Always pretty at this time of the year.

I dont know if anyone watchd the programme on Monday night channel 4 called Lockdown Chaos. How the government lost control. It was very eye opening. Worth a watch if on again.

There is one on BBC 2 at 9 tonight Lockdown 1.0 - Following the Science? They showed a bit on bbc news at lunchtime. That looks good. one scientist couldn't answer why they never thought about carehome workers going from one carehome to another and possibly unknowingly transmitting the virus. He just sat there with his mouth opening and closing.

Well its been a really cold day today. I had to wait in for 3 new led strip lights to come for the kitchen and study. Yesterday we got all new led light bulbs for around the house its really bright now the old low watt bulbs were slowly dimming.

Ive not been feeling too well today. Poorly feeling tummy so i just had toast and marmalade for lunch and hot milky drinks. To heck with the diet today.

The doc on the morning tv show (which i dont usually watch) said we should postpone Christmas until Easter by then we will probably have all had the vaccine and then have Easter at half term. Otherwise these 5 free days the government are talking about will cause another spike. Another doc on the news yesterday said most of the cases of the virus at the begining of this lockdown were caught before it started by people partying and socialising before the cut off date.

Thats all for now. Keep safe.

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