Hubby prefers extra, I prefer main blip,

What do you say? Sister morning, these times are so important to support each other especially right now for us as a family.
I made a large 6 portions of steak and mushroom casserole today, oh wow it was yummy. So, 2 x 2 portion meals to freeze.
I chatted to my brother last night, and I set up a family WhatsApp for us to keep in touch. Poor love he is in a room alone, no visitors, nobody to see and no TV, I barely watch tv but if I was alone! It would be different. He took one book with him, but it seems to have been lost in transit, from Guernsey to Bournemouth then ambulance up to Southampton. They are hoping to get him home by Christmas, but he has a long road ahead of him, one of the main things is to keep his spirits lifted up.

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