A dreich day, the complete opposite of yesterday.  Have been out in the garden for a short while but really not the day for being outside.

Tonight our area, along with a large portion of Scotland, goes into Level 4 restrictions, which are pretty much a lockdown, with non essential shops, pubs, restaurants, hairdressers, etc. all closed.  Takeaway establishments are allowed to operate which will save some from starvation.  This applies to an area taking in the west of Scotland, up to Stirlingshire and down to South Ayrshire, and affects a large number, as most of the population of Scotland lives in these areas.  

Travel to other areas is also banned, as is travel south to England and over to N. Ireland, and vice versa.  

But we will obey the restrictions as best we can and hopefully get rid of this virus in the end.

The shops I am told were very busy both yesterday and today with people trying to do what they can of their Christmas shopping. 

I was given this card for my birthday by a friend who excels in cross stitch.  It is rather beautiful and I will frame it and display it, along with one she gave to the HG for his special birthday.  I am very fortunate in my friends.

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