Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Not a leg to stand on...

I've collected carved Asian artefacts fo over 30 years and amassed some nice pieces.  I'm told that there is always a good supply of carved wooden items in areas where Victorian merchant ships docked and sailors brought them home as gifts.

This is the top of one of my favourite tables and at last, after 4 years, it's standing on it's own feet again.  How it came to be minus a foot is one of the world's great mysteries but if I say. "It wisnae me" it may give you a good idea who the culprit might be.  Today I removed the wedges and clamps from the broken part, replaced the top and there it is.  That was 2 hours ago and it still hasn't collapsed.  I may go into the furniture restoration business?

Extra:  Victorian fireside, Indian carved table.  © Shields Gazette, with permission.

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